Principal numismatic work

Castiglioni, C[arlo] O[ttavio]. Memoire geographique et numismatique sur la partie orientale de la Barbarie appellée Afrikia par les Arabes, suivi de recherches sur les Berbères atlantiques anciens habitans de ces contrées.

Milan, Imprimerie Imperiale et Royale, 1826.

Large 8vo. 127, (3) pp. Contemporary wrappers.


Only edition.

"His principal work in the department of Oriental literature [...] in which the origin and history of those cities of Barbary of which the names occur upon Arabic coins are detailed" (Men of the Time [1868], p. 161). The Italian classicist and numismatist C. O. Castiglioni (1784-1849) was descended from Baldassare Castiglione, author of "Il Cortegiano". This work established his reputation.

Old shelfmark label on wrappers. Some slight brownstaining. An untrimmed, wide-margined copy.


Leitzmann 21. Astor Library Cat., Supplement, p. 116.