Chacon, Pedro. De triclinio, sive de modo convivandi apud priscos romanos, & de conviviorum apparatu. Accedit Fulvii Ursini appendix, & Hier. Mercurialis De accubitus in coena antiquorum origine, dissertatio.

Amsterdam, Hendrik Wetstein, 1689.

12mo. (10), 445, (23) pp. Title-page printed in red and black. With additional engraved title, 6 engraved plates (5 folding), and 15 engravings in the text (12 full-page, 1 repeated, 1 with blank verso).

(Bound with) II: Tomasini, Giacomo Filippo. De tesseris hospitalitatis liber singularis. Amsterdam, Andreas Fries, 1670. (10), 227, (25) pp. With engr. frontispiece, engr. title vignette, 12 engravings in the text (7 full-page), and 2 engr. folding plates.

(Bound with) III: The same. Titus Livius Patavinus. Ibid., 1670. With engr. title vignette, folding engr. plate, and 1 engr. coin in the text. Contemporary vellum.


Charming Dutch pocket edition of three works of ancient history, all profusely illustrated, including two treatises on gastronomy and hospitality.

I: Later edition of this well-known work on Roman table manners, first published in 1588. Also contains relevant material from Ovid, Terence, and Propertius. "On trouve dans cet ouvrage des documents fort intéressants sur les festins des anciens Romains et sur les moeurs épulaires de ce peuple" (Vicaire). This classic, compiled by the priest Petrus Ciacconius (1525-81), was variously reprinted until the mid-18th century.

II: "A book which deals with the tokens and traditions of hospitality - religious, social and commercial" (Simon). The "tesserae hospitalitatis" were broken coins of tablets which were joined again as a proof of authority or friendship. "Quest' operetta è stampata con eleganza di tipi, e colle tavole diligentemente intagliate, e stampate fra il testo" (Cicognara).

III. Added to this is Tomasini's Life of Livy, frequently bound with his "Tesserae". Giacomo Filippo Tomasini "avait une saine érudition, et lutta contre le mauvais goût du temps en opposant Pétrarque à Marini" (Hoefer).

Binding slightly spotty. Title page and flyleaf have library stamp of the Cöllnisches Gymnasium.


I: Vicaire 174. Brunet VI, 29179. Ebert 4242. Cf. Simon 344 (1644 ed.). Horn/A. 32 (1590 ed.).

II: Cicognara 1808. Jöcher IV, 1156. Drexel 852 (cites 7 engravings only). Horn/A. 205. Simon 1466.

III: Schweiger II, 557. Horn/A. 205 (note).