Dissolve the monasteries!

[Eybel, Josef Valentin]. Sieben Kapitel von Klosterleuten.

Vienna, Joseph Edler von Kurzböck, 1782.

8vo. (2), 120 pp., 2 final blank leaves. With engraved title vignette. Contemporary blue wrappers.


Second issue of this enlightened, anti-monastic work. The author discusses the outdated monastic way of life in 156 propositions, concluding with a demand to abolish monastic orders as soon as possible (as many orders and monasteries indeed were in under Joseph II, that very year). Eybel (1741-1805), professor of Canon Law, "had been intended for the clergy and studied philosophy, Greek and Hebrew with the Jesuits before changing his plans [...] Slights and unpleasantnesses which he attracted by his writings forced him to relinquish his chair in 1779 [...] His tone in matters of the church caused the displeasure of Cardinal Migazzi and ultimately his excommunication by the Roman court" (cf. Wurzbach).

Slight brownstaining.


Wernigg 3425. Hayn/Gotendorf III, 513. Wurzbach IV, 118.

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