Hay, Augustine-Eugène. Recueil des chartes, créations et confirmations des colonels, capitaines, majors, officiers, arbalestriers, archers, arquebusiers et fusiliers de la ville de Paris.

Paris, Desprez, 1770.

Small folio. (4), 276, (2), XXI pp. With 2 engraved portraits and 43 coloured engravings. Contemporary marbled calf with giltstamped arms of Paris on both covers and label to richly gilt spine. All edges red; marbled endpapers.


First edition of this work of military theory. Presentation copy on large paper in a binding with the arms of the city of Paris. In contrast to the normal edition published simultaneously, the presentation copies contained colored plates.

The appendix depicts the Paris guard with their new uniforms. "Il existe des exemplaires in-folio sur grand papier et des pl. colories" (Colas).

A very fine copy.


Lipperheide Qk 12. Cohen/Ricci 477. Hiler 418.

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