Rezension: Bibliothek der Deutschen Sozialisten (LC)

  • Libraries & Culture
  • 1 April 2004

Rezension in: Libraries & Culture 39:2 (2004), S. 179/203
Rezensent: Edward A. Goedeken

The Literature of American Library History, 2001-2002.

[...] From another direction we can remember that once upon a time workers' libraries were common throughout the eastern part of this country, but our knowledge of their collections is rather limited. Thus, the publication of the annotated catalog of a nineteenth-century German Socialist library located in Cleveland, Ohio, provides a unique window into the reading habits of this fascinating segment of American society. [...]

Christopher Frey, ed., Die Bibliothek der deutschen Sozialisten, Cleveland/Ohio (Vienna: Antiquariat Inlibris, 2001)